Six mistakes to avoid in selling your book(s) online
5 Mar, 2022
Self-publishing isn't just for debut authors anymore. It is turning out to be more lucrative than running after a publisher now. However, there are certain things to keep in mind so that you don’t end up wasting your time and energy:
Talk about your work on social media: We know how much authors hate to do it. But who else can be a better spokesperson for your work? Social media algorithms make sure that your posts are only seen by a very small percentage of your followers. So, don’t worry about spamming timelines.
Don’t talk just about your book: Mix it up. Give shout-outs to other authors also. It will help you build a community and reach their fans also.
Personalize your posts: Don’t just share the book cover with a link. Add a personal note to the post. It can also be a summary of what the book is about or you can talk about a specific character you have written about.
Start a newsletter: Don’t just limit your engagement with your readers to in-person and on social media. Newsletters are a great way to stay in touch with your readers and build a relationship that will last a lifetime. It is super easy to start a newsletter on
Expect instant gratification: Don’t expect your life to change overnight. It takes time to spread the word. Give people a chance to find out about your book, buy and read it. Don’t let the slow pace of things dissuade you from continuing your promotional campaigns.
Reviews: Send out a link to your book to reviewers. There is no shame in taking the first step and reaching out to people. Engage with all kinds of reviews – positive and negative. Be humble while responding to people.
Lastly, be open to experimentation. There is no fixed formula to success. Try everything to find out what works for you best. If nothing, you will know better by the time your next book is ready.
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